HCG is India's largest cancer care provider and has hospitals and day care centers across India. The project needed dynamic website with professional look and feel. There are various interactive features like search doctors, book and appointment, virtual consultation to name a few.
The previous website was solely handled by an HCG vendor, which resulted in long interaction times, expenses, and delay on part of vendor in uploading data. The client was dissatisfied with the website UI/UX. On the previous website, there was a lack of interactive features such as hospital search, doctor search, disease search, second opinion and Chatbot. HCG specializes in oncology care but the oncology section was not emphasized enough. Website admin panel on previous site was not so user friendly and they were finding problems in updating content on their site.
Webmantra created the website admin panel and trained the HCG IT staff on how to use it so that they can handle all of their data on their own. This saved lots of their time, money and additional coordinating efforts. Webmantra provided improved user experience that made it simple for visitors to obtain required information very quickly. Comparison with the previous website on relevant parameters, using Google Analytics, shows improved performance despite greater design complexity.
Custom design & responsive development, .NET Core Framework