The use of digital media has had a rapid increase along with the growing technology age. A digital strategy is the smart use of technology using digital media platforms to improve business performance and gain competitive advantages in your business industry space.
Right and effective digital business strategy is a key essential to have in the fast-changing corporate environment. Having the correct digital media strategy in place will aid your business to flourish, in an age where digital technologies have transformed the marketplace and given rise to new business models. Thus helping your business to maintain a top competitive place in your respective business industry.
We work on a process-based approach to make sure that your digital strategy is aligned to your business objectives and enhances your competitiveness. Our digital strategy consulting service will help in planning groundwork for your digital business transformation and respond to the arising digital problems with various solutions.
Key components and process we focus on while formulating a Digital Strategy:
Webmantra pays key attention to the business type and industry, and the requirement of a particular business while formulating a digital strategy that can help set a goal for the for your digital accomplishments. We look at some key business functions, mentioned below, to have a deeper business understanding and help you get among the top competitive players of your industry.
Order generation, fulfillment & delivery
Customer engagement
Online and offline marketing
User experience
Websites & Apps
Content Management Systems
Data Analytics Systems
Any other digital business resources that can help optimize the business development
Appropriate Strategy Formulation
Formulating an appropriate digital strategy, as we all by now, is the most crucial component as it would establish the foundation of your digital presence. We formulate a digital strategy in a way that every individual gap identified during the requirement stud is filled using various digital solutions. These digital solutions cover the following macro-level digital systems:
3 Vital Digital Mix:
Digital Products – viz. website & apps
Digital Platforms - viz. cloud servers, content management systems, data analytics systems
Digital Channels - viz. email & social media
User Experience Technology
Prevailing Regulatory Environmental Security
Correct Digital Tools & Technology Selection
With the increased use of the internet to obtain information, over television and print media, companies need to reposition themselves to take advantage of digital opportunities through new marketing strategies. Digital technologies are nothing but the electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store and process data. These technologies have changed the game decisively for a range of businesses and one can no longer ignore the need for having digital business strategies in place to stay in the game.
Webmantra uses the latest digital tools to have a deeper understanding of customer research, current market trends, evaluating brand performance and thus discovering new ways of creating your value to give you a competitive leap in the digital space. Our adoption of digital technology is considering all aspects of your business objective using the all 3 digital mix, viz. digital products, digital platforms and digital channels.
Digital Branding
A strong online presence acts as a booster to your existing marketing strategies. It reinforces your brand and what you offer to your target market and helps in attracting new customers who may yet be unaware of your brand. With our research and study of your business type and industry and using the various digital tools, we give you an understanding of where your target audience and other businesses would most see your business online.
Digital Business Strategy Development
Like traditional business development, and appropriate digital strategy can act as a backbone of potential lead generation for your business. With the digital tools and technology used by Webmantra at each stage of strategy development, we maintain the essence of your business by keeping our strategies simple and coherent yet effectively giving you:
New Potential Customers
Customer Conversion
Customer Retention
In the growing digital era, it is very important to integrate your digital marketing initiatives with traditional marketing and keep your customers continually engaged.
Digital Marketing
Having an online presence is never enough in the competitive digital era, and you need to have digital marketing strategies in place to create an impactful online presence. Using the correct promotional strategies through online resources and various digital marketing tools like websites, micro-sites, mobile apps, and social media platforms; plays a very important role.
Webmantra provides you a digital marketing plan that falls in alignment to the overall digital strategy using all mediums of digital marketing tools that may include online banner ads, search engine marketing, Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, blogs, guest blogs, newsletters, email marketing, mobile banner ads, and e-books.
Deploying several digital resources to accelerate operational processes may not have a significant marketing role to play. Our digital marketing strategy specifically deals with online marketing and has the following key components: